The German Banana Republic
Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2023
What an utter disgrace: Jordan Peterson reveals himself to be a zionist desinformation agent !!
Dear readers and fellow truth seekers, the so called 'great' Jordan Peterson interviews Benjamin Netanyahu and it is nothing else...
Donnerstag, 28. September 2023
Putin and Selenskyj are controlled by the same puppet masters and the war in Ukraine is nothing else than a staged operation !!
Dear readers and fellow truth seekers, dont believe the official narrative of the Ukraine war like so many people do - even critical journal...
Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2023
There are no black people and there are no white people, there are just dark brown and light brown human beings !!
Hello dear readers and fellow truth seekers, I would just like to point out a simple fact to you guys. There are no black people in this wor...
Freitag, 14. April 2023
Why didnt Donald Trump pardon Julian Assange ?? Because Donald Trump is a puppet of the global elite as well and here is the proof !!
Hello de ar readers and fe llow truth seekers, a lot of people think, that Donald Trump is the anti-establishment candidate and one of us, b...
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